
Installing the code

There are a lot of ways to do this and as this is not moin specific, we won’t go into details:

  • As long as moin2 is in pre-release stages, this is likely your only and best choice. If you use ldap, you will have to install OS dependant packages yourself. You will have to install moin updates and security fixes your self. Create a virtual env first for better separation, then install moin:

<python3> -m venv </path/to/new/virtual/environment>
cd </path/to/new/virtual/environment>
source bin/activate  # or "scripts\activate" on windows
pip install --pre  moin
  • Or, use your operating system’s / distribution’s package manager to install the moin2 package. This is the recommended method as it will install moin2 and all other software it requires. Also your OS / dist might have a mechanism for updating the installed software with security fixes and future releases.

    E.g. on Debian/Ubuntu Linux

apt install moin
  • Or, install into a virtual env from PyPI. You will have to install moin updates and security fixes your self.:

<python3> -m venv </path/to/new/virtual/environment>
cd </path/to/new/virtual/environment>
source bin/activate  # or "scripts\activate" on windows
pip install moin

After installation, you should have a moin command available, try it:

moin --help

Creating a wiki instance

You’ll need one instance directory per wiki site you want to run using moin - this is where wiki data, indexes and configuration for that site are stored.

Let’s create a new instance:

moin create-instance --path INSTANCE-DIRECTORY

Change into the new instance directory:


You’ll find a there to edit. Adapt it as you like, you’ll find some comments in there. Review and change the settings for:

* sitename
* interwikiname
* acls - SuperUser and SuperEditor
* registration only by superuser
* edit locking policy
* email configuration
* namespaces and backends
* etc.

After configuring, you can create an empty wiki by initializing the storage and the index:

moin index-create

If you don’t want to start with an empty wiki, you can load the welcome page ‘Home’ and the English help for editors:

moin welcome
moin load-help -n help-en
moin load-help -n help-common

Or, if you have a moin 1.9.x wiki, convert it to moin 2:

moin import19 -d <path to 1.9 wiki/data>

Run your wiki instance

Now try your new wiki using the builtin python-based web server:

moin run  # visit the URL it shows in the log output

For production, please use a real web server like apache or nginx.

For more information on various wiki admin activities, see Moin Command Line Interface.

Installation (for developers)

Clone the git repository

If you like to work on the moin2 code, clone the master project repository or see the option below:

cd <to the parent of your moin repo>
git clone
cd moin

If you use github, you can also first fork the project repo to your own user’s github repositories and then clone your forked repo to your local development machine. You can easily publish your own changes and do pull requests that way. If you do fork the project, then an alternative to the above command is to clone your fork and add a remote url to the master:

git clone<your name>/moin
cd moin
git remote add moinwiki


Before you can run moin, you need to install it.

Using your standard user account, run the following command from the project root directory. Replace <python> in the command below with the path to a python 3.9+ executable. This is usually just “python”, but may be “python3”, “python3.9”, “/opt/pypy/bin/pypy” or even <some-other-path-to-python>:



<python> <path-to-venv>

The above will download all dependent packages to the PIP cache, install the packages in a virtual environment, and compile the translations (*.po files) to binary *.mo files. This process may take several minutes.

The default virtual environment directory name is:


where <PROJECT> is the name of the project root directory, and <PYTHON> is the name of your python interpreter. As noted above, the default name may be overridden.

Check the output of to determine whether there were fatal errors. The output messages will normally state that stdout and stderr messages were written to a file, a few key success/failure messages will be extracted and written to the terminal window, and finally a message to type “m” to display a menu.

If there are failure messages, see the troubleshooting section below.

Activate the virtual environment:

activate    # in Windows
. activate  # in Unix or Linux

Typing “./m” (or “m” on Windows) will display a menu similar to:

Usage: "./m <target>" where <target> is:

quickinstall    update virtual environment with required packages
extras          install packages required for docs and moin development
docs            create moin html documentation (requires extras)
interwiki       refresh contrib/interwiki/intermap.txt (version control)
log <target>    view detailed log generated by <target>, omit to see list

new-wiki        create empty wiki
restore *       create wiki and restore wiki/backup.moin *option, specify file

backup *        roll 3 prior backups and create new backup *option, specify file
dump-html *     create a static HTML image of wiki *options, see docs

css             run lessc to update basic theme CSS files
tests *         run tests, log output (-v -k my_test)
coding-std      correct scripts that taint the repository with trailing spaces..

del-all         same as running the 4 del-* commands below
del-orig        delete all files matching *.orig
del-pyc         delete all files matching *.pyc
del-rej         delete all files matching *.rej
del-wiki        create a backup, then delete all wiki data

Please refer to 'moin help' to learn more about the CLI for wiki administrators.

While most of the above menu choices may be executed now, new users should do the following to create a wiki instance and load it with the English help for editors and some welcome pages (Home):

moin create-instance --full

Next, run the built-in wiki server:

moin run

As the server starts, a few log messages will be output to the terminal window. Point your browser to, the welcome page will appear and more log messages will be output to the terminal window. Do a quick test by accessing some of the help items and do a modify and save. If all goes well, your installation is complete. The built-in wiki server may be stopped by typing ctrl-C in the terminal window.

Next Steps

If you plan on contributing to the moin2 project, there are more instructions waiting for you under the Development topic.

If you plan on using this wiki as a production wiki, then before you begin adding or importing data and registering users review the configuration options. See the sections on configuration for details. Be sure to edit and change the settings for:

* sitename
* interwikiname
* acls

If you plan on just using moin2 as a desktop wiki (and maybe help by reporting bugs), then some logical menu choices are:

./m extras       # install packages required for docs and moin development
./m docs         # create docs, see User tab, Documentation (local)
./m del-wiki     # remove the wiki data from previous tests
./m new-wiki     # create empty wiki or
./m backup       # backup wiki data as needed or as scheduled

If you installed moin2 by cloning the repository, then you will likely want to keep your master branch up-to-date:

git checkout master
git pull                 # if you cloned the moinwiki master repo OR
git pull moinwiki master # if you cloned your fork and added a remote

Also check to see if there are changes to /src/moin/config/ by comparing a diff to the in the wiki root.

After pulling updates and updating, rerun the quickinstall process to install any new releases of dependent packages:

m quickinstall   # in Windows
./m quickinstall # in Unix or Linux

Verifying signed releases

Releases are signed with an GPG key and a .asc file is provided for each release.

To verify a signature, the public key needs to be known to GPG. There are two moin project co-owners, their public keys may be imported into the local keystore from a keyserver with the fingerprints:

gpg --recv-keys "6D5B EF9A DD20 7580 5747 B70F 9F88 FB52 FAF7 B393"
gpg --recv-keys "7AFC F58F A118 9DED 2E86 3C41 3D96 89A8 79BD D615"

If GPG successfully imported the key, the output should include (among other things):

gpg: Total number processed: 1

To verify the signature of the moin release, download these files from


Then run:

gpg --verify moin-2.*.*.tar.gz.asc

With a success, the output should look similar to this:

gpg: assuming signed data in 'dist/moin-2.0.0a1.tar.gz'
gpg: Signature made Wed Mar 27 13:54:41 2024 USMST
gpg:                using RSA key 7AFCF58FA1189DED2E863C413D9689A879BDD615
gpg: Good signature from "RogerHaase (2024-03-11) <>" [ultimate]


Bad Network Connection

If you have a poor or limited network connection, you may run into trouble with the commands issued by the script. You may see tracebacks from pip, timeout errors, etc. within the output of the quickinstall script.

If this is the case, you may try rerunning the “python” script multiple times. With each subsequent run, packages that are all ready cached (view the contents of pip-download-cache) will not be downloaded again. Hopefully, any temporary download errors will cease with multiple tries.

Other Issues

If you encounter some other issue not described above, try researching the unresolved issues in our issue tracker.

If you find a similar issue, please add a note saying you also have the problem and add any new information that may assist in the problem resolution.

If you cannot find a similar issue please create a new issue. Or, if you are not sure what to do, join us on IRC at #moin-dev and describe the problem you have encountered.